samedi 2 février 2008

Increase the chances of making Digg’s Front Page

Digg its not anymore only an informational website but its getting very influential to many bloggers and website owners. Digg can be a heavy driver of revenue-generating traffic and can also help make your website viral.
Here is an interesting tool that will help you finding interesting topics to blog or not about. This tool gives you the latest 500 popular stories for any topic or sub-topic within Digg and analyzes the text found in the story titles and descriptions. It also helps you finding specific keywords for your post titles and it will increase the chances to get dugg.

Tips to increase even more the chances of making the front page
Follow Top Story Submitters
If you are new to the site, once you got signed up, you need to spend a couple days exploring the site, “studying” dugg stories and it user; See if the user who submitted the story has a lot of friends or dugg or submitted a lot of stories before. I would recommend to follow their steps, for some reason they got to the front page.
Use the Digg Trends Tool to find hot keywords
As I said before this tool gives you hot keywords. I call it Hot Keywords because those are the most used words in the Front Page makers stories for example if your story its about iPhones they hot keywords would be “Jailbreak, apple, firmware”
Create a Friend Network
More friends is not necessarily better. The more friends you have, the more votes it will take for your story to hit the home page. Better to have 20 active friends than 400 deadbeats.
Digg has a system that block making a lot of friends right away, I would suggest to participate a little first, digg like 10 - 20 stories first.
Get to know your “friends”. Make them to like you by leaving sincere and intelligent comments on their stories. Wouldn’t you love that? GIVE WHAT YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE.
It might take a while
This its not a “1 minute get rich program” this could actually take a couple months of digging, commenting and making more friends. After a couple months doing that, your friends will automatically start reading your stories and digging them.
Good Luck!
If you know another technique share it.

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